Supporting and sustaining Positive Change
The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple hosts fundraisers to help local, national, and international nonprofit organizations support their communities and achieve their goals. We are especially interested in helping groups and agencies with missions related to the environment and animal welfare, the preservation and propagation of indigenous religion and culture, female and child welfare, local needs in Mount Shasta and Siskiyou County, and worker’s rights.
2023: Reparation Retreats
In 2019, the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple's Order of the Black Madonna launched a project to fundraise for Black Madonna Reparation Retreats, free spiritual gatherings for Women of Color in Mt Shasta.
Then, the pandemic struck, and we had to put this project on hold until it was safe to gather in person again.
It's now time to revive this project! We are hoping to offer the first Black Madonna Reparation Retreat in Fall 2023.
Learn more and make your donation:
In Spring 2019, the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple raised $1500 to donate to the Winnemem Wintu Tribe in acknowledgment of their sovereignty, female leadership and efforts to protect the sacred waters of Mount Shasta.
The Summer 2020 fundraiser of the Temple, coordinated by Priestess Devanna, raised $500 for the Black Mamas Matter Alliance, who envision a world where Black mamas have the rights, respect, and resources to thrive before, during, and after pregnancy.
The Summer 2019 fundraiser for the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple raised $500 for MISSEY: Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the lives of sex trafficking victims.
The Fall/Winter 2020 fundraiser of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple was a grant project for the Goddess Temple’s Kuan Yin Sanctuary, funded by the Red Backpack Fund. This space allowed women worldwide to connect through an App, and helped us beautify our outdoor space for visitors.
Our Duty
On pilgrimage in Tibet in 2014, Priestess Yeshe witnessed how her group’s tour guide quietly purchased a meal for an elderly indigent woman and sat with her while she ate. When she mentioned to the young man how kind his actions had been, he replied simply, with clarity and conviction, “It is my duty.”
Fast-forward to 2019, when Yeshe was speaking about the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple’s fundraiser for the Winnemem Wintu Tribe at the Goddess Temple of Orange County in Irvine, CA. After the event, a woman walked up and handed Yeshe a $1000 check to pass along to the Tribe. When Yeshe thanked the donor for her generosity, she replied with a smile, “It is my duty.”
This is the motivation of the fundraising efforts of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple: it is our duty. Please join the Temple to keep abreast of our latest community care endeavors, and please consider supporting our fundraisers with an offering.