Cosmogenetrix 2025
Each year, the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple hosts an Annual Spring Symposium, Cosmogenetrix.
The theme for 2025 is The Triskelion Portal, with a special focus on the number 3 and all of its spiritual, cultural, and magical associations.
Our next event will be March 21-23, 2025.
The Mount Shasta Goddess Temple's annual Cosmogenetrix Symposium is a transformational gathering that celebrates the intersections of spirituality, ancestral wisdom, and Goddesses of the World. Held in the serene and mystical setting of Mount Shasta, this symposium invites participants from around the world to explore the sacred threads of creation through workshops, ceremonies, and thought-provoking discussions. Rooted in the principle of cosmogenetrix—the generative mother force of cosmic and earthly life—the event explores ancient Goddess traditions, cultural heritage, and contemporary spiritual practices. Each year, attendees interact with themes such as divine motherhood, planetary healing, the cosmic dance of the elements, and connecting deeply with the anima mundi, or world soul.
The symposium is both a scholarly and experiential event, featuring esteemed speakers, interactive rituals, and artistic offerings to inspire and empower. Participants can expect to engage in activities ranging from guided meditations and sacred sound baths to panel discussions on esoteric wisdom and hands-on craft workshops. Cosmogenetrix is a rare opportunity to network with a diverse community of seekers, mystics, and priestesses devoted to honoring the Goddess in all her forms. As one of the highlights of the Mount Shasta Goddess Temple's ritual year, Cosmogenetrix leaves attendees feeling enriched, renewed, and aligned with the sacred forces of creation.
2025 Schedule at a Glance
The Triskelion Portal is our theme for 2025: a sacred symbol of transformation, timelessness, and interconnectedness, often embodying the triadic flow of energy that bridges past, present, and future. Its three spiraling arms represent dynamic cycles of life, death, and rebirth, as well as the unity of mind, body, and spirit. Metaphysically, the Triskelion serves as a gateway to higher understanding, encouraging movement, progress, and balance within life's perpetual currents. It is a portal of wisdom that invites seekers to embrace their evolving journey while staying grounded in harmony with nature’s rhythms. Spiritually, the Triskelion opens pathways to multidimensional awareness, guiding individuals toward self-discovery and alignment with the cosmic dance of creation. Beyond the Portal is the realm of the Sisters Three: the Fates and other tri-formed Goddesses.
Friday, March 21
2:00 Cosmogenetrix Welcome: Yeshe Meryemana Matthews Robles
2:15 Panel on the Sisters Three: Mount Shasta Goddess Temple Collegium Sibyllae
3:00 The Mysteries of Trivia- Devanna Wolf
3:45 The Three Faces of Hekate - Shaylee Ayele
4:30 Goddesspotting: Find your spot(s) for connecting with the Goddess- Cris Rose
5-6 Making votives of the triple fates or triple-faced goddesses
Saturday, March 22
9:00-10:00 Continental breakfast
10:00 Weaving Fate: An Introduction to the Norns - Flora Lunaria
10:45 Brighid a Goddess with three faces - Aislin Wolf
11:30- Shadow and Sovereignty: Unveiling the Mysteries of The Morrigan - Kathleen Evans
12-1:15 Lunch Break
1:15: For She Is a Tree of Life: Longing for Shekinah, Lilith & Asherah - Yoreshet D’vorah Grenn, Ph.D.
2:00 Baba Yaga's Palette: The Secrets of her Three Sacred Colors- Patricia Robin Woodruff
2:45 The Number Three in Qabalah, an Introduction to Key Concepts of the Tree of Life - Selene Moonchild
3:30 Three Waters: Sacred Cycles of Water with Yemaya, Ochun and Oya- Leni Hester
4:15 Ancient Egyptian Divine Triads & the Goddess Hathor- Tahya Love
5:00 Three as Gateway of Death and Rebirth- Mea Ananda Voce
5:30 The Three Realms - Nym Veach
6:00-8:00 Dinner Break
8:00-10:00 Spring Equinox Ritual
Temple Members get to join the Live sessions online free of charge! Join the Temple to access this event.
Our Presenters & Presentations
Priestess Yeshe Mereyemana Matthews Robles will welcome attendees and share a bit about the spirit of this year’s theme: The Triskelion Portal.
The Sisters Three
Alumnae of the Via Carmen Pythia Sibyl Training program will offer a panel on their year of research into the Sisters Three phenomena of triple-faced goddesses and goddesses that exist in sets of three worldwide. Each panel participant studied one or more of these goddesses in-depth and will offer a summary of her research and interpretation.
Mysteries of Trivia
Devanna Wolf
An exploration of the goddess known as Trivia, sometimes an epithet of Hekate or Diana, and the mysteries of the 3-way crossroads in the ancient world.
Three Faces of Hekate
Shaylee Ayele
Hekate is a triple goddess and today she is often conflated with the maiden, mother, and crone archetype, but that is a modern construct. Hekate’s triplicity goes back ancient times and is revealed in many ways. Let’s explore the intricacies of Hekate’s threes.
Cris Rose
Come experience group and self-attunement to bring grounding and balance to your body and mind. You will be introduced to a technique called Brainspotting, which is an advanced brain-body therapy, but can also be used for expansion. Here, it will be used as a way to connect with spirit to balance mind and body. This will be an experiential workshop as you will be viewing and brainspotting using images of Goddesses and nature as a way to connect with spirit.
Weaving Fate
Flora Lunaria
An immersive experience that explores the powerful and mysterious figures of Norse mythology, the Norns, through a combination of guided meditation, educational presentation, and hands-on crafting. Delve into the lore surrounding these enigmatic beings, highlighting their significance and how they have been perceived through history. I will bring all necessary supplies, including small looms, threads, cloth and beads for weaving. No prior weaving experience is required.
Brigid of 3 Faces
Aislin Wolf
Brighid has extensive symbolism around the number 3, including the Triskell and the triquetra, and how she is seen as 3 Goddesses in one or three sisters that make up one Goddess. I will share about how her myths support this view and how to work with these 3 aspects or forms of the Goddess for transformation, healing and inspiration.
Shadow & Sovereignty
Kathleen Evans
Soar with the powerful and enigmatic energies of The Morrigan and her sisters, Badb, Macha, and Nemain exploring their roles as goddesses of prophecy, sovereignty, and transformation. The Morrigan is a triple goddess of battle, prophecy, and fate. Participants will gain insight into her complex nature, understanding her as both a fearsome force and a nurturing guide who can lead them through life’s challenges and transitions.
For She Is a Tree of Life
Yoreshet Ruach D’vorah Grenn
Longing for and living with the Shekinah, Asherah, and Lilith. She is in us and we are in Her. What does this mean? Who is She/Her? During this presentation, we will discuss what the Sacred Feminine looks and feels like when we imagine Her embodied in each of these three forms. She holds us with compassion, non-judgment and wisdom. Shekhinah, She who dwells within each of us. Asherah, “Creatrix of the gods” in her many guises, from Lady of the Sea to She Who is the Divine spark in trees. And of course, we will also talk about Lilith, the fiery first woman.
Baba Yaga’s Palette
Patricia Robin Woodruff
Hidden in the tales of Baba Yaga, the fearsome witch of the Slavic forest, is the answer to the riddle of the Triple Goddess. Known by many names, the Triple Goddess shows up in Celtic stories, Slavic lore, Greek mythology and even the teachings of India. Patricia Robin Woodruff will go into the three colors that weave throughout all of these cultures providing a glimpse into the commonality of belief. These themes of color also show the extreme antiquity of the roots that grew into these diverse branches of Pagan belief that spans countries and continents. You will also learn a lot more about the often overlooked Slavic Deities. Come join Patricia Robin Woodruff for a fascinating presentation of these indigenous beliefs from India and the Euro-Slavic lands.
The Number Three in Qabalah
Selene Moonchild
This workshop will explore the significance of the number 3 within the Qabalistic Tree of Life, with a brief introduction and overview of the Tree of Life, the three pillars -- pillar of severity, mercy and middle pillar, and perspectives on how they create balance within the Tree. We will also explore the three Triads of the Tree, and lastly we will focus on the third Sefira, Binah, the sefira of understanding and the Great Mother archetype.
Three Waters
Leni Hester
“No one is an enemy to Water.” Water is a sacred foundation of the material and spiritual world, in Yoruba cosmology, and these 3 feminine Orisas—Yemaya of the Ocean, Ochun of Fresh Water, and Oya of the Storm—are all associated with the living waters of our planet. How this ashe expresses itself in ceremony and daily life, and how the blessings of these powerful spirits are carried via water, is what we will explore in this joyous workshop.
Ancient Egyptian Divine Triads
Tahya Love
This lecture (with accompanying slides) will focus on the Goddess Hathor and Her representation in divine triads, a common type of groupings of the ancient Egyptian Pantheon. The presentation includes an invitation to play the Systrum in a 3-count rhythm pattern, which attendees will find easy to play and utilize in their daily lives to invoke blessings. Participants are encouraged to have a frame drum and/or Systrum ‘at the ready’ and/or can also participate by simply clapping the rhythm as we chant a Hymn to Hathor found carved on the temple walls at Dendera..
Gateway of Death & Rebirth
Mea Ananda Voce
Numbers are so much more than markings upon a page. They are energy signatures, codes sent from the universe activating certain processes. As Priestess and Guardian of the Western Gate, the portal between this world and the next, I have witnessed three in the work of birth, death and rebirth. Contractions within a mother can begin three weeks prior to birth and ‘contractions’ of a dying body, the beginning of the body shutting down, can begin three weeks before last breath. When last breath does occur our light energy leaves the physical body and remains closely linked to this plane for three days. It is within this magical window of three that you might receive strong messages from the newly departed, feel their touch, smell their perfume, etc. After three days the spirit begins the journey into the next realm, shedding this earthly plane and moving fully into the realm beyond. During this presentation I will share my experiences as a midwife of death and the power of three.
The Three Realms
Nym M. Veach
The triple concept of Land, Sky, & Sea is more than just a different interpretation of the four more commonly understood elements - air, fire, water, & earth. The Celtic elements of Land, Sky, & Sea go much deeper and are connected to the three realms of the Celtic Otherworld. Learn about Land, Sky, & Sea historically, cosmologically, & how to connect in modern practice and devotion.
Get Your Online Ticket
Mandala Members of the Temple are invited to attend this event, with Online and In-Person options. Plus, there are hundreds of hours of video, numerous perks and benefits, and a sisterhood of #smartwomendoingwonderfulthings if you join. Welcome!
Watch Previous Cosmogenetrix Events
As part of our Temple’s commitment to making wisdom accessible regardless of a person’s financial status, we make each year’s Cosmogentrix videos available free of charge after the event.
Cosmogenetrix 2024
Ourania, Queen of Stars
Click here to watch presentations from 2024
Cosmogenetrix 2023:
Lion Heart
Click here to watch presentations from 2023.
Cosmogenetrix 2022: Illumination
Click here to watch presentations from 2022.
Cosmogenetrix 2021:
Woman Medicine
Click here to watch presentations from 2021.